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Friends Playing Game of Phones Challenge

I first saw this game when Joe Sugg was playing it with his friends on his most excellent Thatcher Joe YouTube channel. So, I thought I'd have a go at playing this myself and invited my very good friends over to give it a go - Tess, Orla and Daisy.

It is a brilliant game to play if there are several of you, or if you are at a party, although I guess that you could kind of play if there were just two of you. Anyway, basically what you do is take it in turns to draw a card and then try to win it by doing what it says, such as 'find a funny town name on a map', or 'first person to get a text reply', etc.

I found Game of Phones (nothing to do with Game of Thrones whatsoever) impossible to get hold of in the UK at the time, so I had to buy it from America, and it was certainly worth paying the hefty postage.

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