Top 100 YouTube Videos
90. Elmo, Grover and Greg James Singing Call Me Maybe!

Nia's Blogging and Vlogging Website

If you like Sesame Street (not to be confused with Jim Henson's Muppets) even just a tiny bit, then you'll most definitely enjoy this video. Puppet legends Elmo and Grover arrive in the Radio 1 studio, dressed in their Olympic costumes (as it was 2012), and mess around with host Greg James.

After a little bit of persuasion, Greg manages to talk Elmo and Grover into doing a spot of karaoke. They decide to sing Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, because it is one of the Cookie Monster's favourites. Everyone seems to enjoy the karaoke, especially Elmo, who clearly has the best voice.

The mannerisms and actions of both Elmo and Grover are so good that it is very easy to forget they are actually being operated by a couple of puppeteer people crouching down beneath the deck, with a hand shoved up them. At the end, the puppets get awarded their very own Olympic medals by Greg James, presumably for singing the karaoke so well. Now they can get into one of the opening ceremonies - that would have been fun for everyone involved.

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