Top 100 YouTube Videos
81. Annoying Orange - Wazzup

Nia's Blogging and Vlogging Website

Possibly one of the more annoying videos in the endless selection provided by YouTube is the Annoying Orange Wazzup film. And with around five million subscribers to date, this is a seriously popular channel, albeit incredibly silly.

The Annoying Orange began its life in 2009, when an MTV production assistant named Dane Boedigheimer created this fruity character. Although it has an impressive viral following, many people seem to seriously hate the whole thing. However, the series has resulted in a wealth of merchandise, ranging from lunch boxes and bottles, to towels, T-shirts and even duvet covers. Not sure we'd fancy one of those though.

This particular episode begins with the following lines:

Hey Banana, what you doing?
Just hanging around, with my bud.
True, true.
Yo, who's that?
That's lemon.
Where's kiwi?
Hold on.
[Then apple gets sliced in half by a very large and menacing-looking kitchen knife. Shock, horror!]

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